Hello! I’m Mehak.

Hello! I’m Mehak.

I’m the chief of staff at favorited. The category leader for mobile live-streaming.

Prior to joining favorited, I ran a TikTok agency for consumer startups called Clickbait Creative and I was the founder and CEO of SkillBank, an online marketing school that was free until you landed a job.

Prior to SkillBank, I used to be a content creator on LinkedIn and ran a LinkedIn consulting firm called Jamocha Media. I was generating 1M-3M+ views a month on the platform with my videos and blog posts.


Some fun facts about me

  • I grew up in Morgantown, WV.
  • I majored in Computer Science at Purdue but dropped out after my sophomore year.
  • In 2017, I ran for mayor of San Francisco. I currently hold the record for the youngest person to run in the city’s history.
  • Currently, I live in Los Angeles, CA


Interested in having me speak at your event? Shoot me a note on LinkedIn.